the morning of

I have gone through a gambit of emotions. from wanting to puke, to knowing it is okay to cry on the ground in the middle of the race, to knowing I am going to ROCK THIS than going all through it all over again. It is amazing what the brain can do to you…. Now I am trying to figure out exactly what breakfast to have. I know my oatmeal will sit to heavy. it never does me well before a race. But this is a longer one so my special K wont cut it either. so onto my PB&J toast. YEAH ME! I love that stuff….

I took a few pictures to share with you all…s o you know I really am doing this. I know my momma will be there today as well as my hubby. so many pictures will be taken throughout the day…. and I will share those with you when they come my way. but for now…….

I woke up to these signs all over the trail yesterday… they had done it all on Friday night… I had seen a few in soldotna but now they are EVERYWERE!

cone sign

I KNOW its sideways…. But these cones were int he challanger center telling us which way to go. : )


AND THAN!!!!!! I got the number…. I stood there for a moment, and the girls I have done tri’s with that are not stupid enough to do a marathon, looked at me.    “Well if I dont take the number I can walk away and no one will know I chickened out now but me….. If I take the number I have to show up and run it… I’m weighing my options” They laughed and shoved it into my hands….. so there it is… #112


Than we say through presentations… the power point was good. it does get confusing in soldotna… I am going to hope the person in front of me doesnt get lost. LOL!


This part cracked me up. there is a picture in the top corner of people SMILING at this spot in the race. and of course it is at the begining…. the one in the end… they are smiling too but it is a different smile. I missed getting that one. you will have to forgive me. Hee hee

so there it is…. I am realy doing it… in only * checks watch * 1 hour and 45 min…. and than in about another 5 hours… I will be done. and ready to die. because I know I will have cried alot….

someone that doesnt even realise how much she has influenced me is having this run dedicated to her. as a wise friend told me…. remember you are doing this for the people who can’t. when your legs can bairly move and you are walking… remember the peole that you have taken care of that couldnt even do that. the ones that cant walk… you are walking for them because you are fortunate enough to be able too….. and she is right. I am fortunate enough to move these silly legs. even when they hurt.   

so many of you know who you are…. But R.H. you my dear lady friend are one who used to run these…. you loved running and are too ill to do so right now. I carry your picture in my pouch today. YOU ARE running this marathon today with my legs. I love you and this is as much for you as it is for me. : ) keep me driven friend.

Marathoners prayer… ” Lord if you lift ’em I’ll drop ’em”

see you all on the flip side.

Marathon momma fly 420 miles into the training… to do a wonderful 26.2 mile run….. OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    You can do it my friend and you will rock it all the way. You are amazing and I’m sending my love with you!!! <3