week nine

Is coming to a close… and I am wondering why am I doing this again. LOL. I know why though. the kids have a BIG swim meet tomorrow… and that means that because I am helping coach I need to be there at 0830 in the morning. so what do you think that means for me and my 0830 time to be on deck… yup you guessed it those 13 miles that I swaped out with last saturday to only do 10… now I HAVE TO DO THEM THIS SATURDAY…. and that means i have to get up early… on the one day I get to sleep in. if 0800 is a sleep in. LOL… I will handle it. it will mean that Sunday I get to sleep in.

so I will write again tomorrow about how wonderful the kids did. but for now it is still my marathon training blog. Not the kid blog…. So here is the training this week and how it went

After that long nice race on Saturday the 17th. my legs were… well needing to be rested. so on Monday all I did was swim. Untill my friend called that night and invited me on a walk so we went out and it ended up being 5.22 miles. I know it was a walk. But I am COUNTING IT! Than on Tuesday it was 3 miles and swimming 2200 yards. than Wednesday 7 mile run and a 2300 swim. than Thursday it was 4miles and a nice easy 2100 and Friday NO RUN and a 1700 yard swim… than I coached the littles than I taught a swim class than I worked. : ) I love my job.

Some days are a little more stressfull than others. But all in all… I am so happy I changed my profession. It was the best decision I have ever made.

so I will run my 13 miles tomorrow morning. I allready have everything ready so ALL I have to do is get out of bed. LOL… that will be the big hard thing to do. LOL… we shall see how it works. : )

marathon traning momma fly… OUT!
miles 177 +2 out of 435 in 9 weeks

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