List of cool stuff about running 128 miles in 49 days!

Been thinking about what kind of fun thing I can write on here. I figure it has been 7 weeks of torture… that is 49 days of trying to run on legs that don’t really like it. LOL. 49 days of running in the 49th state. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ima cracken’ myself up today!

So I thought about what are all the good things that are coming out of all this running. I came up with a list as I was running today.

1. I can pee any where any time. And not be seen.
2. I can scope out the said pee spot LONG before I get there and make sure that I will not be seen
3. I found socks that keep my feet from getting blisters.
4. I have learned the importance of making sure I have good shoes and know how to use them
5. I can run along side a moose and not get weirded out. (that would have been a million dollar video on You tube!)
6. I know why people wear a bear bell…. and I have seen it work now. : )
7. a fanny pack were not fashionable in the normal world is a necessity in distance running and there are some really cool ones. : ) My mommie bought me one that went out on trial this morning. MAN IT WAS THE COOLEST!
8. Spandex is HIGHLY OVER RATED!!!!!!!
9. I am a true Alaskan girl… it is 64 out right now and I am panting like a dog…. sad, very very sad…Running in this would be the death of me.
10. I am happy that I cannot hear all the things around me. I am sure that the moose and bears would scare me more than they do If I knew they were coming.
11. I love having time with just my mind….

I think that is the most of my list right now… I will let you know as I add things to it. : )

so 49 days in the 49th state…. running for a purpose…and that purpose is…. ME! Lets here it for 128 miles!!! who would have thought I would do that many in my LIFE… let alone 7 weeks. : )

Marathon momma…. OUT!!!!

Comments & Responses

2 Responses so far.

  1. yo mama says:

    can tell you from experience that running – even with the pain and such – is ADDICTIVE! I had a love/hate relationship with it when I was your age – but never put in the number of miles you have done – my runs were 3-5 miles a day. I think you’re awesome!

  2. Dragonfly says:

    yes… there is a love hate relationship for sure…. thank you momma. I cant wait to run this 26.2 it is going to be long and amazing.