Marathon training….

Another day in the life of momma fly… today was the last day of week 4. Why is it that it feels like it has been so much longer than that…. and today was the 10 mile day…. or SO I THOUGHT! I don’t know how I got it in my head that today was  10 miles…. But I did. so I RAN IT! DUMB DUMB DUMB…. I could have gotten off only running NINE!!!! OH WELL! I am a week ahead than. LOL… does that mean I get an extra week of rest? Yeah, I didnt think so. But it was worth a try.

So this is the rout that I took today… and i need to give you the week over view. It will be different BY FAR than other weeks I have shared. Why? you ask… well I will give you the way it was supposed to look. than I will tell you what it DID look like. : ) ready or not here it comes….

Monday swim
Tuesday Run 3 swim
Wednesday run 4 swim
Thurdsday Run 3 swim
Friday swim and bike
Saturday run 9 m iles… but I am an overachever and thought 10.
Sunday rest.

Here is what the week REALY LOOKED LIKE…..

Monday swim 6,200 yards
Tuesday Run 3 miles worth of fartlicks with a friend and swim 4,800 yards start puking at 1730
Wednesday still puking but go into work for a few min only to be sent home.
Thursday got up and sat in the nice warm water and coached. than worked for a few hours. went home
FRIDAY… FELT OH SO MUCH BETTER! ran 4 miles than got in the pool and swam 3,900 yards. and was EXHAUSTED!
Saturday made up the 3 mile run with my son at the Nikiski fun run and pulled a first place for old ladies. LOL…
Sunday up early and out for my 10 mile overacheving run!

So did I get all my miles in. unconventionaly But YES I DID!

Am I dead… NO BUT I have a purple ankle from rolling it on a root/rock thing in the trail run with my son. when they were giving out the medels L.M. says first place goes to Momma fly with a time of….. on a sprained ankle. it is ok realy and I am happy with my run this morning. It was sore in the begining but it is well. and I have Advil and ice. : )
that always makes things better….

so I am 65 miles into this thing…. only 370 more miles to go….

M.T. Momma fly out…. hey and by the way… if you are stopping by. please leave me a note about what a crazy fool I am… or what about the fact that running should never be for a woman with 5 kids… or just say HI! I realy do read allt he comments I don’t get. : )

Comments & Responses

2 Responses so far.

  1. mama says:

    if we had known you were running Saturday we would have come . . . or I would have while dad worked. Congrats on the 1st place (old lady my tookus!). How did D-man do in his event?

    Proud of you!

  2. Dragonfly says:

    D~Fly did realy well. he was upset because his legs were giving him a fit. “Growing again” and his knees were hurting. he ran with me for a ways. rather in front of me and than would slow when he needed too. back to me again.

    I guess I should have called about it. Sorry momma. we were wrapped up in other stuffs…. G. was there for D~fly. and the added stress for him was high so in turn our stress levels were up as well…. call ya latter when I get off work. Love ya.