Soccer Boy!

#2 boy is an amazing child with natural sports ability…. But today I heard me coming out of his mouth. I know that I haven’t said it around him. But it is how I feel a lot of the time. So I tried to do what my mom always did. Here it the situation.

Boy”Mom I wish I was M~~~~~.”

Me”Why would you want to be him?”

Boy” Because he is SO GOOD at SOCCER!”

Me”Hmmm. I can understand that… But why don’t you wish you were You. Because YOU are AWSOME…. and wish that you were able to play as good as M~~~~~>”

Boy”You are right. I love being ME… But I just wanna play better.”

Me”Well here is what you do….Ask M~~~ and his mom and dad if you can practice with them sometime. M~~~ is sure to show you some really neat tricks. Work for you?”

Boy” You bet. Can I ask today.”

Me” as soon as soccer is over.”

Than after the game. M~~~’s mom and dad and grandma and grandpa. Stopped #2 boy to tell him what a wonderful job he did today. That they were so proud of the way he watched the ball and made some great passes to the said Boy up above. That he and said boy…. work the goal really well together.

Needless to say he was beaming and so was I. I am so proud of my boy… But it is neat to see that other people see him improving as well. Funny thing. I went to school with these parents. They are both BIG into sports and were the people that I wanted to be like in school. Popular good at sports AND in academics. LOL…. It must be genetic. Their kids are AMAZING!

Of Course My Boy…. he is better. * G*

Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. Nana says:

    dear Soccer boy,
    Nana is really glad that you are YOU. I couldn’t love you more, you know, if you WERE another boy. It is because you are YOU that I love you as much as I do.

    way to go in soccer! I hope I get to see one of your games soon. Mama needs to send me your schedule, huh?

    love you, little man.