Dr. Appoitntment…. LOL…

So all the kids are in love with Wonder woman. Madly in love. So much so that they all want to be her. Admit it… when you were a kid you wanted to be her too. We went to an appointment for the girl today. She is looking at getting tubes in her ears like her brother did when he was smaller. They have the neatest authentic Lithographs on their walls. One is of the looney tunes. “The warner brothers….. AND… sister”. The Tunes are in the Dr.’s office… with the nurse. say it with me now…. ” HEEELLLLLOOOOOOOO NURSE.”

So me… living in the times. I say it out loud for more myself than the nurse… the girl and #3 boy look at me like i am nuts, and the nurse giggles.

So I tell her. ” Sad isn’t it? Our kids know nothing about the looney tunes.”

“Yes.” she agrees.

I tell her… ” They may know nothing about them. But WATCH this….”

“Hey kids…. who is Wonder woman?”

#3 boy at the age of almost 2 JUMPS up and starts spinning like a drunk boy singing… “won wooooom won wooom.” Than stops and jiggles his arms. humming the theme song. (Wonder Woman…. fighting for your rights… in the old res white and Bluuuuue)

The girl looks up and diplomatically starts to adjust her imaginary glasses and said… ” Why Diana Prince of course.”

We both about dropped to the floor laughing. That carried the nurse and me through the rest of our busy day.


Comments & Responses

3 Responses so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    Wanted to be her- hell I had Wonder Woman Underoos adn I wore those bad boys out….I loved my underoos.

  2. Lessa says:

    heheh! I had the Wonder Woman BARBIE DOLL! Complete with Lasso of Truth, and bullet repelling bracelets!

  3. AkMotleyGal says:

    Damn, I’m jealous…that would have made my day to not only have the underoos but the barbie ….there would have been no stopping me…*humming Wonder Woman theme song*