week one over view

because today is rest day, I will just go through an over view of the week. I have run 15 miles in a week. with two rest days in there! That means I only have 420 more miles until I get to the Marathon! OH BOY!

While I was running yesterday my 6 miles there are three benches along the way. you wouldn’t believe the bribing I had to go through with my own brain to get me to stay on my feet. It was AMAZING! No really feet I will soak you in a hot bubble bath when we get home. and Tummy I promise you a day On the he couch with crackers and tofu. and to you my tired legs, I will give you ONE DAY OF REST! NOTHING . we wont even swim.

than as I was going to sleep last night. I thought sure I can go ahead and run 3 miles in the morning. get a jump on next week…Than I woke up. NEVER MIND what I was thinking when my eyes were shutting. the soreness of my body. the knees that don’t want to move. the thighs that are so sore I don’t want to sit down for fear of having to stand back up. The chaffing that I have under my arms. Feels like I have raw skin out there to see the world. the rash that I have on my legs. OH yeah did I mention the chaffing yet? Oh I did, Let me say OWEEE!

So I sent my time and such to Chipper Sandy. OH GOD she is going to kill me. she says ” I did mine too average speed of 12 min. a mile. Next week we must work on speed!”

Now I might look really dumb when it comes to running. But I know what “work on speed” means. that is interval training. and I have one prayer.

If you are not going to get me through it Lord. KILL ME NOW!

I know I will be happy about this. Because truly would I be out there running if I didn’t want it somewhere in my heart. I know that in order to do my Iron man I will HAVE to do a Marathon. so I might as well get it out of the way now so that it isn’t a mind block latter when I get finnished swimming 2 miles of bliss and move on to a FAST out of this WORLD ride of 112 miles on a bike. So that when I move off the bike and head into the DREADED RUN. I will know that I have done it before and I can continue to put one foot infront of the other. THAT is realy why I am doing this with CHIPPER SANDY!

But until the said “HAPPY ABOUT THIS” you will have to listen to me rant and rave about it all…. that is IF you don’t close the window before you are finished reading. and I do give you that permission. when I start talking about the chaffing and the places I am getting it. Feel free to close that window and walk away. step back from the computer because EWWWWW!

So for today I close knowing that this next week brings me another 16 miles closer to my goal of this marathon.

so today is day 8 of M.T. and It is my rest day. and were I thought I could get out there and do a few. I WAS WRONG! today. I will sit, and do NOTHING! just so you know.

Momma Fly OUT!

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