a friends daughter

Who has become very close and loved in my family…. Lost her brother this week… he was only 7 1/2 years old. As most of you know… we lost a son almost 10 years ago now… Kills me to think he would be 11 right now… OYE!

But because of this loss. My oldest son has been able to be an asset to this lovely young lady. they have chated every night. and he has been able to give her a helpful hand…. I am sure you are wondering why I am bringing this up…

BEACAUSE…. thier situations are so close in so many ways it is almost like looking at a female him. : ) at the same time that tears my hear out for him and her. because of this hurt and how he has helped her… it is DRAGGING up all our feelings of our boy. and how things happened.

Today off chance I decided to look up my sons Obituary. I know that i was not Biologically his mom. But I was his momma all the same. for over a year he had been mine to love and help grow.

So in his obit….. it goes through all his family like all of them do and it names his mother  egg donner first than his father. than onto grands… and MY PARENTS are on the list as GRAND F***ING PARENTS…….. But get this… get this… I am NOTHING BUT  and I quote  “and family friend Momma Fly”

I am the woman that was up with him in the middle of the night when he was sick. I am the one that took him to parks…. I am the one that potty trained him…. I am the one that fed him… I am the one that was there day in day out. NO MATTER HOW SICK I WAS…….. I WAS THE ONE THERE! Most of all……..I am the one that held him and tried to breath life into him.


that obit………… PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

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