I am getting this here
- Posted on 28th December 2008
- in This-n-that
- by Dragonfly
slowly but shirly!
we have the cristmas hangover. that is what I call the few days after Christmas. when all the hype is done. the fat old man “santa” has been here and we are trying out allt he new fun. Thanks to my mom, Santa my 10 year old got a camera. we were going to get him one when she told us there was a spare at the house and we could give him that one. 😉 so we used that money for something else for the kids. and he still had the camera…..
Now the 12 year old got the books he has been DYING to have. and an I pod. with a few other ods and ends. tha girlie gor a niting machien that had me baffaled for a while but we got it over the past night or two. it also came with a sewing machien that she is going to be trying out today with me
the littlest… he got Spill the beans that he hasnt let go of yet. he got a new webkinz. ( all the kids did) and he named his Pancake. to go with repeat and cinnimon. LOL this kid is hilarious.
There were a few other things. things from the family that they cling to. like the slime balls THANK YOU AUNTIE and the Parahana hats my mom nited for the kids that seem to never leave thier head.
They had a great Christmas. and the hubby and I did too.
The best part for me ???? that was a cook book my mommy gave me. just as soon as I can get a minute. I will share pictures of me bawling my head off when I saw it. see she said she would give it to me when she died. I asked her why me? you are the only one that bakes and cooks like that……
COOL I LOVE that book. my favorite. so… here comes Christmas and I start bawling and holding it. More to the story…. I called mom on Christmas eve as 07:37 to ask for a recepie so that the kids and I could make them for santa…. and I called that early knowing that she would be leaving for work soon… that way I could catch her just befor the rush of her going out the door……
*sleepy voice.* ” Hello!”
“Oh goodness mom I am sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Go back to sleep I only wanted a recepie I was trying to catch you before you went to work… I will call back latter.”
” No its okay Im up now…..Hold on.”
*hears tolet flush in the back ground… hears rummeging……hears fumble with the phon and clearing of voice* “okay here it is….. *gives recepie. *”
“I love you mom….. thank you… um go back to sleep………..”
Boy I felt bad all day. I am nto one to call over there that much. should prbibly change that. But when I do I know they are awake they are early birds like me. well I am MORE early but at 0630 .. come on they are up. well I think I might have to change that thought process. so here for the whole world to see….
I woke up my mommie and I am SORRY! very SORRY! *G*
So here I sit in a puddle of tears over opening up the book right? and mom looks at me with the look you see now I have the book so will not be calling her. she will be calling me. at 2100 that way… she will be waking ME UP! *G* love it.
The kids asked me why I was crying and I told them “this is my mommies book. grandmas book. she wrote in it and the BEST recepies are in it.”
So when My dad came over to help me out with making Donuts for a friend. I asked him…. ” mom said she would give it to me latter when she died….. that would have been fine … why now? Not that I am complaining but because I know she uses it.”
Dad said. “Mom wanted too. she didnt want to wait till she died.”
“Besides this way she gets to see me cry right?” *LOL*
Out of everything I got this year… (my tree had new ornimants when I got up … SPATULAS for the kitchen) I can tell you the BEST THING… was the book. It was NOT the shark shirt lessa… bestest sister in the world…. it had to be the cook ook hands down. and while dad was here… he was showing me. this on and this one. and dont forget to try this one. LOL. and CALL me when you make them. we will come over for dinner. *G* so I will have to invite them and try something that he loves so much.
hee hee
so How was your Christmas…..? Mine was AWSOME. thank you mom and well sis (for the shart shirt fun. 😉