Cranberries GALORE!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe how many there are this year. normally you have to go into the mountains to get the good ones. out into the pass. But this year they are thick in my back yard. GOD BLESS US!!!! we had so much rain. I know that I was upset about not being on the bike as much as I wanted to be. BUT you know…. the berries are worth it.  It was 30 degrees when I started with the baby. and we only made it for about 30 in. but look at what we were able to clean and put into the freezer…..

 He was so excited. he kept asking me…


Pancakes with them…..???? PLEASE!?!

So I promised him that yes indeed, if we got enough for all that we wanted to eat. I would be happy to make pancakes with them too….

So we waited untill the bigger kids would be getting off the bus and our behinds were in the air as we were picking all the berries when they got off the bus…. so they added into the fun…… in about an hour…. we did this….

That is another full Gallon….

can you believe it…. I will still be getting more in the morning. I wish I had the energy. I would continue tonight. But I just don’t. *G*

this baby boy was all about the picking. He was even willing to help clean the berries. (I supervised) But I am very proud of him. he is eager to help me in the morning too. they want to work on the bus stop tomorrow. so we will see how much is left out there at the end of our road. I am hoping there will be about another gallon. than there is still the moss berries to go. they are all ripe for the picking. I see a bit or… “winter treats” Jelly coming… and the breads. Oh MY! the kids will have enough to share witht hier teachers for school. I am so excited. anyway… enjoy our fun. and tomorrow I will try to get pictures of our behinds in the air it has to be a funny site……

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