I am still

Working on my list. I have one. I need to get things under control again. I know that my eating has been high on the calorie level. But you know with as many miles as I put on that bike. I need it. In only two days I have done 60 miles. ;0 That makes me happy! very happy.

I deal with idiots while I am on my bike. people that try to hit me. or others that think it is funny to make me jump to see if they can cause me to fall off. Or there are those that would like to yell at me out the window to see if they can talk me into getting on the side walk. what ever….. I am looking up all the bicycle laws now. talking to a police officer that is helping me out.

I lvoe to ride to and from work and I am sure that will not change until the weather is too bad. But now to figure out how to deal with the people that are giving me such a bad time……. any ideas would be helpful….



Comments & Responses

2 Responses so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    Sheesh, you should ride down here. Me and B went out last night and you have teens stopping to wave you across drives, and after we had waited for awhile to cross we had a guy pull half out in trafic and wave us across. Homer is bike friendly if it’s anything. Think it’s due to the amazing amount of crunchers/huggers we have here. Ash doesn’t like riding cause of the helmet…she walks along behind…

  2. Dragonfly says:

    That seals, it I am moving to Homer!