So thankful But PFFFFT

man I am so thankful that my husband had great insurance for us to live off of while he was sick. BUT COME ON! Hubby was approved for SSDI and with that comes a back payment. His insurance took EVERY PENNY!

They called me a 0500 this morning Oh I am sorry I live on the east coast. It said you wanted called between 0900 and 100 so I did.

Yeah look at were I am from Lady. I was hoping that maybe we would be able to pay back a few of the organizations that have helped us out with our bills.

And they said. No we gave you an overpayment. Well by how much? I asked….. all of it. OH… apparently we signed to that fact.

Okay well so much for paying people back. And um for living.

I gotta get her figured all out now. So the insurance company that couldn’t even pay enough to keep us alive while still charging us 285$ a month to keep them as a service is taking everything that we thought we might be able to pay the house payment with… Back payments for the last 12 months. Because they deferred it (with provisions). Ahhhhhhhhh……. I really don’t know what we are going to do now. I am going to have to call them and tell them I am so sorry you get nothing. Same amount we get for the other 2 people that have helped us. What a day.

And it isn’t even 0600


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