nutten much hunny


Hello there my faithful one. Today has been one of those days. SHESH Lordie… I am tired. I w as going to get pictures of the kids so that I could share their new haircuts with you. But do you think That I would get to that… or that I could get my computer to agree to go on line…. NOOOOOOO…. so I am using Hubbies again. Means no pictures even if I wanted too.

So let me see. My nephew has a date. He really wanted it BAAAAAAD and he wanted it so bad he let his mom call the girl and give him shit. It was so priceless … when she said yes. We both started jumping up and down… than he looked at me with Panic in his eyes and told me… I am gonna go pass out now. LOL… cracks me up. So after everything he tells me and his mom…. it is going to be so awkward tomorrow. Nope buddy… just carry her books like you have been all year nad um…. give her your chocolate milk like you did today… and ummmm. Keep being the sweet kid you always have been. You are in already… don’t change a thing. * G *

To tell you the truth hunny. Not much else is happening around here. So we are just sitting around doing nothing. Ohhhhhh I mopped my floor today. 😉 Yeah for me right?

I am off… But I will be back tomorrow…. Maybe. MAUH!

Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    Hehehe- your one on me right now- I didn’t mop- I just slept in and screwed off half the day….MUAH!