My heart

My heart is always going from one place to the next. One home to the another . One of the things I do for those passing is give them a promise. I promise that I will continue to check in on your family after you are gone.

Some families get more. They get me weekly to make a dinner or to mow the lawn. Whatever is needed to help those that are passing away feel okay with the time that they have left. To know that their loved ones are going to be cared for after they are gone. This is one small thing that I can do to ease their minds.

Let me be clear that I do not take this lightly. When I make a promise I fulfill it to the fullest. I have been somewhat spread thin making sure that the families of those that have passed on are still being taken care of. I love every minute of these visits. These are times that I am able to remember the loved ones that are gone. Talk about the wonderful days that we had together. Also the days that were hard. The days that they miss the loved one so much. Sometimes there are tears and laughter all in one.

These are those precious times that I get to love on those that have become my family.

When I walk into a home, that is going through one of the hardest times in their life, I am not always sure what it is going to be like.  This could be full of turmoil, or one that is full of love. Most of the times it is the family that sets the pace. I have learned to go with the flow. To allow them the time they need to get used to me and what I am there for. I get to know the person that is passing away. I get to know who they were… where they got married how many children and so much more.

Than I can help those people leave gifts for the ones they love. We make things together and sometimes I make things once they are gone. Family members that are willing give me shirts and I make Pillow shams. Or sometimes the loved one and I have been shopping (through me) and I make sure the gifts are given once they are gone.

These small things mean the world to the family. And to tell you the truth… It makes me feel all that more connected.

just a few thoughts for those of you going through a transition at this time. Those that are opening your home to someone new that will love you through your transition. And if you don’t have someone willing to help in the same ways I do…. and you would like a memento of your loved one. Let me know. I am willing to help.

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