
As you all know. I LOVE stories about how the oils are helping people and here is a case that I am so excited to Share with you all


 “I had my husband try the Basil for muscle cramps. We’ve spent several Thousand dollars on prescription drugs to stop his muscle cramps. He quit refilling the prescriptions because none of them worked. This morning he had a slight cramp when he stretched in bed (something he has not been able to do since he was a teen 40+ years ago). He stood up, like a normal person and it stopped. Before he started using the Basil, he would log roll out of bed, screaming in pain and be unable to function for most of the day because he was cramping so badly. I have other stories, but they’ll keep until a later date.”



“I’m relatively new to Doterra. I’ve been hearing lots of great things about the products but didn’t know anyone “in real life” who used them. I was particularly interested in the Slim &Sassy. After talking with Tobi I decided to try it out along with a sample of balance to help with my 3 year old. Well, I got my order and started with the S&S but that’s not what changed my life…it was the Balance that I secretly used on my 3 year old. I admit I was a bit skeptical that an oil could really have that much of an impact. I used it on the bottom of her feet night and day and it was almost immediate the change I saw in her attitude, behaviour and general disposition. The 3 year old that was always defiant, throwing temper tantrums at the drop of a button and grumpy all the time did a complete 180 almost over night. Even my husband commented on what a different child she has been and wanted to know if I swapped her out with a clone. It was then that I revealed my secret use of Balance. And he was sold. He said, ” I don’t know what it is or how it works but don’t stop”. He now reminds me to put it on her feet. We feel we have our sweet little girl back. As a test I stopped using it for a couple of days and I totally saw some of the old behaviours coming back. My husband thinks we should buy stock in it and is telling everybody at work about our miracle discovery! I have Tobi to thank for showing me the world of DoTerra; now I’ anxious to try other oils and blends!”

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