Melaleuca essential oil:

This is a friend of mines 3 year old daughter. She was told this was eczema on her head/face and prescribed a steroid solution. After a month, no improvement. These are before and 10 days after pics of her face after stopping the steroid solution and starting treatment with melaleuca essential oil!!!!!!

Q & A session…..

~Wow! How were you using it?

Momma~ I mixed it with the Burt’s Baby Bee skin cream because it is a little thicker than the carrier oils, and applied it topically. Melaleuca is very drying to her skin, so I’ve had to keep the cream on it to counteract the dryness, but once I figured that out she has healed quickly!

~ Once daily?

Momma~ Twice 🙂

~  I wonder if I could mix the melaleuca with his vanicream? Hmmmmm

Momma~ I don’t see why not! I was going to mix it with the cortisone cream but just happened to have the Baby Bees on hand and tried that first and it did the trick pretty fast. I would just make sure that whatever you use is a heavy moisturizer b/c it can dry their skin fast.   Please let me know if it works for you!!

~Wow…this is truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing! Sweet little girl is very happy, I’m sure!

Momma~ She IS!! Much happier <3


I love to read stories like these. and i love it when we are aloud to share them so here is just one small story that has made a HUGE difference in a little ones life!

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