Soooo below I went on and on and mushed.  You noticed I DIDN’T Mention the main man in my life….MY WONDERFUL supportive husband. He and I have our moments. Heck all of us do. But this guy is (even when he makes me mad) ALWAYS looking out for my best interest. He knows how I like to train and when I miss one… he gives me trouble. Our brains work different. you know the whole mars and venus thing… So I take it different than he intends. byt the end of the night he is holding me to sleep though…. and making sure the kids get of to bed so that I CAN sleep….

This week my hubby has been there for me even at a bad time….

He was even airing up my tires for a training run looking like this.100_4365sml

Poor GUY. He had his wisdom teech removed on Monday. I slept in on Tuesday after being up all night helping him with ice and meds. I was to tired. BUT OH BOY… this morning HE GOT ME UP… Out the door hun. time for you to go. I’ll be good. you ahve to get on the bike. BUT NO RUNNING. You need to rest those feet untill sunday. ; )

so I am here to say


You might have a baby head growning out the side of your face, BUT you are the BESTEST. WITH all the swelling you are stil hanging upside down on the pump trying to make sure mybike is in perfect order.  Even when I DON’T want to get up … you are there gently telling me. time to go hun. when I am so tired I can’t bairly move. you send me to bed and make sure the kids get there themselves. ; ) you are always here. you let me leave in times when it would be normally hard.

Thank you for being my right hand and helping me to know what my LEFT hand is supposed to be doing.  I love you hun. and I sure hope your face swelling goes down. SHESH!

D~FLY out

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