Unexpected Blessing.


I have been lucky enough hat through my transformation I am blessed to have people around me that are holding me up, helping me better myself and all around encourage me. Now I never stopped to think that I might too be that for someone else as well (in the beginning). But I have now been contacted by 7 people asking me to help them. Tell them were to start and look to me for guidance. Because of this…. I now have new people in my life I never saw coming. This morning was no exception.


I was upstairs getting a few pointers from my “muscle coach” when in walks a person from my past. I have kept in contact with her here and there over the years. And newly on facebook she has been watching all I do. But with that I had the pleasure of telling her things that will help in what she wants to do. We all know I get up at an unGodly time in the morning to get things done for my self with kids at home with Hubby waiting for me to get them ready for school. But here she walks in. all ready to go.


What a blessing to have her there with me this morning. Believe me I was thinking about skipping the rest of the workout this morning. I had already skipped running. : ) knowing that I would be doing it latter in the day with Missy…..SO here I am going to cut myself short because why? I was tired. Plain and simple, just tired. There she walked in. God sent her there this morning. To help me move my body. After getting coach in on it. Were should I start her. Same place as me kinda thing. Well than he needs goals and such. It is wonderful to be forced to put it out there. Were someone is hearing it and will keep you honest with yourself about your goals. He puts you on the spot. So there she was in the hot seat. Once that was figured out. He explained what to do. And we were off…..


Talk about making me do what I am supposed to do. I was gonna go on face book and own up that I didn’t do anything but swim. BUT God had other plans. He wanted me to continue to move my body…. so without knowing it…. she was an unexpected Blessing. She Nor I knew that she would be the blessing that I needed today.


With that… my other blessing… Missy… she is sick and not feeling well. She had that darned chest cold that everyone is coming up with. So If you can. Take the time to hit your knees she has a big race coming up and she is in need of her health and strength to get through it.


On that note…. Find a Blessing that is crossing your path today and take the time to thank him or her for being your blessing. You may not have even known you needed.


Tri on……


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