Wanted but didn’t get

I wanted to get a picture with my friend today. But realy by the time all was said and done with a realy hard set. it was time to go home and rest the good ‘ol arms. you know…?

While I did a little bit more than her. this is what my dear friend made it through…
200 warm up
4X100 swim kick pull swim
4×50 on :60
3×100 on 2:00
2×150 on 3:
1×200 on 4:
2×150 on 3:00
3×100 on 2:00
4×50 on :60
THAN a 100 easy kick warm down!

a HARD set to do. alot of (what I call) Mind time. think a lot during these… you lose count than have to start over. It is repetitive. same thing lane after lane. it is hard to get through. Lucky for me. someone was there to help push me through. Missy…. it AMAZING. here she was 5 weeks ago… not a swimmer. NOW she is CLEARING the bead board…. NOW she is pushing me. I have a hard time keeping up… it is ROCKEN!!!!!

So I will try to remember to ask for a picture of us together latter…. one to share. if NOTHING else. we will gt one of both of us crossing the line. BECAUSE HER MOMMY AND DADDY ARE GOING TO BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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