Yup more training!


Getting things figured out in my head again. and I am really liking that my miles are starting to come together so nicely. I wish it was an under 8 min. mile. but it is slowly going down every time I run. that is a good thing. so today is going to be really busy once I get the littlest off to school I will be headed out to the pool so that I can get in a little more time out there. I sure wish that the weather was better for riding. it was cold this morning. 🙂 But it is ALMOST there. 🙂

My dear friend Missy sure is a pushing me. I am having to kick on that kick board harder than I ever have before. she is a POWER HOUSE in her legs. WOWEE! so my buttocks hurts… but you know. no pain no gain.

Kids. how are the kids… well they are gearing up for the last of the swim season. their last meet is on May 2nd. Sprint champs. I am happy to report that as it sits right now.

TFly has 4 honor times and 2 bronze times. he is hoping to bump up two of those to silver in the last meet and 2 of them to a bronze. so we will see how that goes….

Mfly… she has one honor time. and she will be swimming 4 events this time. Full plate for her. not to mention the relays…

Dfly…. This is his first year. SO he is out there racing against himself… and working really hard at it. this summer is tri season. We will be running together too. I am looking forward to him pushing me. he run a 6:45 min mile. so he will push me hard. 🙂

Ifly.. the little bug… he is going to be in Kindergarten this year. he is so excited. he went and visited his new school and was so happy. he was done with head start. I am here now… he said. well you will be in a few months buddy….

I think that is all for now. more soon.

D Fly ~ out

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