Santa pictures
- Posted on 23rd December 2008
- in This-n-that
- by Dragonfly
So I promised you all that I would get the pictures up. and I now have them loaded. But that means that I should more than likely tell you about them…..right?
well the pictures kind of tell the story. *G*. the video tell ALL of how my baby boy felt. and as you can see he was the first to get to his lap. AND he was so shocked that he was really in his lap… THAT he COULDN’T get his fingers out of his mouth. SHESH
Dear Santa listened as he said he wanted goggels to swim like big sibblings and that he wanted to have a cubby hole like he has at school. and he wanted to have fun. than I said smile……
Get your hands out of your mouth boy…. so I can see your face. Got it santa said and than the never washing of the hands again because santa touched my hands was born. *G* But Santa had something else in store. “He didn’t smile very big…. do I need to tickle you son?” Momma yelled…. ” OH YES DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!”
and there we have it …. a perfect picture!
than next was my girlie…. who is still hanging on to the belief that santa is real. and as the video showed. “This one is the REAL santa.”
Up she went with a note in hand like my kids always do…. how else am I gonna know what santa is going to bring so that I don’t get the same thing. SHESH get with it…… She told him how she wanted hearing aid batteries for her momma because today had been really hard without the batteries in. she is deaf as a door nail you know….. and than went onto the more fun things… like needing to have more dolls and maybe an IPOd…. no scratch that more dolls. and you guessed it… more dolls. like the million that she has are NOT enough. 😉
Than it was “Mom do I need to tickel this one too…….?”
“OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE do it! than I will see her NO TEETH!”
And this is the smiling face I got!
So next we had to CONVIENCE someone to go up there and my oldest he was old enough… He knows. if you dont believe than santa doesnt come and seeing as how mom only gives us her HANDMADE JAMMIES every year you had better believe or it will be an empty tree for you. 😉
He talked for a while and santa began to look tired than he perked back up. someone must have mentioned a cookie… or so I thought…..
“I don’t need a tickle I will smile.”
and he did give me a winning smile. I will take it… the rest on his request in a few.
than we pulled teeth AGAIN to get soeone up there…….
You will notice in the flicker bar that there are A LOT of pictures of her with santa. not because she was asking for a LONG list of things. but because she took the time to talk his ear off like she does to anything or anyone that BREATHS!. don’t get me wrong here…. she is a wonderful kid. and I LOVE her with all my heart. But she talks without having to breath. I don’t know how she does that. but she does.
She asked for a Christmas full of love. and someone to teach ehr how to play guitar… because she has like had it for 2 years now…and still doesn’t know how to play. right? right!
The posing was like. I can’t believe you are making me do this auntie you SUCK! than ….”DOES THIS one need a tickle.”
and he ALMOST got her on his lap. *LOL* Oh she will kill me for these when she is older. 😉
Than we were onto my 10 year old.
He told him how he wanted a camera and an I POD… but he understood if he couldnt get to it. we were putting in our lists a little late. than he started just Yackin about his swimming and a comic that we had read on the way there about how santa’s head would explode if he asked for 5 seconds off his 50 free because he just couln’t do it… sot he kid said I promise I wont ask for that. so the kid got on his lap and asked for 4 seconds off his 50 free. and santas head exploded with anger. and exasperation. LOL.
Now he was tickled as well. without santa even asking me if he should do it. I guess after 5 kids you would know that the MOM is totally down for the tickeling of kids.
As you can see… I WILL NOT SMILE……. I WIL NOT SMILE…… Oh goodness that tickels so bad. I can’t hold it in… I will look like i am gonna poop my pants instead! *LOL*
Now to take you back to this… Santa pulled me aside in the end! Just as the two littles were running to tell daddy that “the slegh is over at the shop while he is here for pancakes, getting ready for the BIG flight… and that the raindeer are ap at the north pole but will fly here in enough time to pick him and the sleigh up for Christmas morning. and and and”
Santa said. “I didn’t catch the name of the boy in the gray shirt. ‘Oh that is my D fly … he is a special one…..’ I want you to know that he wants a game piece.. I didnt catch which one. But he wanted it so the whole family could play together. I thought you should know that. It is the best request I have had ALL morning. it was for the rest of you. Not himself. you have a good kid.”
well I have to say. Santa is right. even though he and I go round and round. he is a GREAT kid. and I love him very much. His list is filled even though he doesn’t know yet. 😉 and we will all be playing as a family together very soon.
DF OUT……. for now