- Posted on 20th December 2008
- in This-n-that
- by Dragonfly
I know I know… you KNEW you were smelling something and yes that hapens every time I think….
so stop thinking…
yeah…. whatever…..
back to the toppic at hand. I am thinking that I must find a way to torture my sister. she has BAD things up her sleave…. and has MY MOMMIES help. and the POOL STAFF!!!! so I know that I am doomed. DOOMED I TELL YOU….
But it goes even further than that. I went to church this morning. thinking that I would be able to drop off the kids get my scavanger hunt taken care of… and leave in peace. BUT COULD I? NO……
You are asking why?
AH, well let me tell you…. she told the most coolest person in the world to look at me….. and… she ….well let me tell you how it happend…
we were talking about something fun. ( the scavanger hunt) and she sais.
“OH YEAH! I am supposed to look at you and…*singing theam to Jaws now* *stops as I run* ‘and do that.'” *G*
much laughter as she stares at me. She sais “Here you Thought church was going to be safe and now it isn’t”
Now How horrible.
I know you are sleepign as I write this. But let me just tell you it is NOT becoming to laugh at my torture in your sleep. you Big MEANIE of A BIG sister. *sticks out toung* Pthsssssssssst!
I will get my turn and I will get you good. I just don’t know how yet.
maybe when I build the roller coaster because I am belimic I will make sure there is a twist above YOUR house and will puke on you when you are walking out to go to a meeting. YEAH thats IT!
DF Out
In case ya’ll are wondering what she’s talking about –
(PS – did you notice I upgraded your wordpress?)