Yard Sale, bwahaha

I told my son…. my oldest.

“Hun go get the paper bags and cut them open and make a sign that says ‘Yard sale’ really big… Okay?”

So he went and got the bags, came out, and than got to work. I was watching him from the corner of my eye and knew that he was going to mess it up but I knew that I had another bag int he hosue. he cut it right in half. so I hear….

“Welp I messed that up. what do I do now?”

“Go get another bag babe and get started on it again. Pay closer attention to what you are doing.”

He did a great Job. came over to show me his ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!!

*G* I laughed so HARD!!!!!!!! he wrote

Really BIG YARD SALE! LOL I see that there are cakes that get messed up that way.

So here is the new one that he wrote after we all laughed about it for a while….

It was a major giggle fest here at our house over that. I am proud that he handled BOTH mess up’s with humor and laughter…. and me.. I will laugh about it all night long.


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