

Today is raining. No not a BIG RAIN! Not something that I wouldn’t normally get out in. If you are not willing to ride in the rain you are not willing to ride in Alaska. That is the motto for bicyclist and motorcyclist alike. BUT I feel this does not pertain to those of us that are running. You are out in it for a lot longer when you are running than you are for cycling. I mean really come on here…..


I know I wimped out. I called up the friend that was going to meet me out there and she agreed that it just wasn’t a day to get our hair wet. Funny seeing as how I just got out of the pool. Yes I went to the pool this morning. Although my mom might think I didn’t. She was already gone by the time I got there. BUT I had a date with one of my kids this morning for swimming. Which means that I go at the latter time with him. Believe you me they were harder on me than I would have been on myself. I think that on the three days a week that I am able too I will go in with the kids. I get in some block time too. Which will make a difference come this swim season. Yeah I am planning on doing it all over again with the kids. We will have 4 on the team and than me. It will be a long day but a lot of fun. Because there will always be a kid (yes I am a kid too ;)) in the watter to cheer on.


The run for me is right around the corner. I am looking forward to that too…. that will be on the 9th of August. I am only going to do the 5K. I had thought about doing the 10K. But I am really not ready for that. I ran 5 miles on Saturday and it killed me. So I am going to have to slow into it. And I think that a 10K is just out of my league for now. Latter….. Latter , next year maybe. All the girls will have to look out. But I plan on leading the pack this year. On the 5K. I will get my time in. I think I will have to lay off the bike riding and will be looking for help getting the kids were they need to be over the next week. Hint mom…. But I will have to think about the running more. 😉 I will run indoors tomorrow after swimming. That will get me something in too….


Anyway… i will share a cutsie story before I go…. I have been taking one on one time with my kids on Saturday’s because of my working schedule. It has been nice to have a little time with each of them in a different setting. With my oldest it was running. With my youngest it was to the “Cookie store” it is his favorite grocery store because they give out free cookies to the kids that are 12 and under. I make him wait to the very end to get his cookie. He behaves so well knowing that he is going to get one. This time. He decided I was sweet enough for him. He didn’t need a cookie. 😉


Than…. HE BIT MY ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whatever….. never gonna have any kids…. where did he learn that you ask? Ummmm…….* Turns head looks the other way*………. * points to myself*…… “Who me?” Yeah I taught him that. What can I say But aren’t we cute?



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