So here we are

In another day… and you are waiting for me to give you all this GREAT COOL STUFF to tell you about my day. I HAVE A COOL STORY!!!!!!!! But of course I have no video or pictures…. there will be some latter from Lessa. they do not tell this story but they are COOL!;)

as you all know and have seenMy oldest has been in swimming lessons over this summer. IT IS AMAZING! we have had to wait till he is almost 12 to be able to swim BUT we are getting there. I tell you this makes my heart SING!!!!He has gone from needing to be pushed off the board! to being able to be chased off…. To being able to be a BIG man and do it HIMSELF (with coaxing) to now…. today…. He went up did a few little jumps while I did the my eyes are on you…. see he wanted auntie to stay again today and well she had an important meeting that has been put off for too long and needed to be done today. they made a deal he was going to act like she was right there with the video camera and he was gonna do it like a pro…..

TODAY he went up to the board, my eyes were on him, And he bounced twice and was OFF. Before I could even think. *LOL* he is getting there. the fear of “the water killing me to my Bloody death when I hit the surface.” is ALMOST GONE!!!!! I am just so proud of him. EVEN better is the fact that he went right around and did it again and this time he ran off. just was ALL FO IT!

[Here’s that video of the past couple days all mushed into one big file -check out the side breathing in the middle there! Whoo! WTG D-Man! – Auntie Lessa]

Today he was able to go a 25 on his back and on his tummy tum… without panicking. so now he is moving on to level 4 even better he has been told he is part of the TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………….

HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so PROUD!

Proud momma DF, OUT!

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