
yesterday was a big day for the kids… the littelest had swimming with his school. and here are two pictures of us with the kids.

100_2586sml 100_2585sml Than my #2 boy is on the swim team and he is doing amazing. I am realy proud of him. I even have a long distance friend that is a coach that thinks he is looking good as a newbe. 😉 *BEAMING MOM GRIN*

11-27-07 11-27-072 those are off my phone

free2 freestyle and the dreaded butterfly were  on the list too….butterfly I think he just MIGHT be droiwning there. His arms never did leave the water on his butterfly. BUT if he can get a strong kick he will have it made.

anyhow that is a little that has been happening. I will try to talk more latter. 😉


Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. Erika says:

    Hello gorgeous! You guys look so happy! Look at those big smiles:) Love-Erika