Hospital was wonderful

We got the the hospital at 1300 and were in the room ready by 1400. Than one of my friends, an RN, came in and said “I tried to get ahold of you before you came in, I have bad news you can’t get in the OR for another 3 hours. they have something on the floor before you last min.”

than she and another RN friend sais at the same time ” it would make more since if they could do his first. than we could have him out of here….”

Off she ran to “put the BUG in his ear” *G* didn’t work out. so we sat and made fun of hubby that every time a food commercial came on he was Sooooooo HUNGRY. will youg et me one of those… or one of those… oh no that one looks way better. Poor man. By the time he got in there it was 1745… By the time we left the Hospital it was 1915. so we had a longer day than expected. I took hubby over to his moms… He had french dips and clam chowder. what he wanted SO BAD… he even woke up asking for it. *G* what a combo hun? So than when he got home he had 3 cupcakes and 2 bowls of ice cream. than all he has had since is a little ceriel this morning. *G*

Dr. with the pretty blue eyes came out to give me the good news. “Hun I think we had a missread ont he CT. because his scope came back perfectly normal.” For the first time since all this has happened I cryed. the reliefe that he will be with us for a while longer with no more suffering than he has dailey all ready. I wasn’t sure that I was ready to play the hospital game again. I know that I would have done it with a smile and withΒ  joy. God gives us trials for a reason. Because he knows we can be trusted with what he has given us. look at Job. that man…. what he was put through, and never once… did he denounce his God. the Devil… not so impressed. But God knew he was the man for the testing. so… in every trial we have . remember We are ment to suffer as God’s son did for us. He does this with us because he knows our limits and he allows the devil to test us. He knows how far to let the devil tast us. he will not go beyond our breaking point. Even though it might feel like he would. God knows us better than we know ourselves.

So with this.. I leave you with what I have been doing all morning. A dear friend called to tell me it was her grandaughters birthday. sure bring her over let her pick and it shall be hers. πŸ˜‰ I lvoe to make things for my babies. all of them that have adopted me. and I them. πŸ˜‰ so pictures for you are here…. and there are always more on Flicker.

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Comments & Responses

3 Responses so far.

  1. Erika says:

    (((hugs))) thank God they were wrong! Perhaps that was a little miracle πŸ™‚

    I LOVE that cake -love the colors and I especially love the upside down pink cone πŸ™‚ Is it really a cone? What flavor with this cake (chocolate, right? :D) xoxoxo

  2. Lo says:

    Yes, Thank God…Glad things were read wrong, but my heart aches for the stress it put you guys through.

    Your cakes are so beautiful and fun!

  3. Cat says:

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. That cake looks amazing! And I’m so glad things turned around at the hospital too!