Holy canolli

Kids are expensive. went and got the school shoes today. and for the three boys it was 70$. than I needed to get them new socks and underoos. that was another 68$. I can’t believe it. that is SOOOO MUCH! I am limited and we all know that. But WOW! even for someone that isnt that is alot. the kids are excited and ready for school

Today I took the boys into meet their teachers a day early. That is because #2 was so nervous. he has been sick to himself about going back to school. so we went to look at who was in his classroom so that he would know what friends were in there and who he was going to introduce himself too. 😉 the older one ran to his teachers room. he is excited about her. he and her and I all had a nice talk today… that was so worth it. she is going to do wonders for him. I think that they will work hard together and she is excited to have the geography bee school winner in her class…..:)

She is going to work well with us I know. so I am off to write a letter to the bio … see if she is going to participate this year. IF she ever decides to accept a letter from us. than she will know what is going on in his life.

Till latter… tomorrow will have lots of pictures fromt he school function. so see you than.


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