7 years ago


Not any easier. but the wounds are starting to be managable. Tonight. we celebrate your life. You my son were an amazing boy. I did not give birth to you. But you were by all rights MY “SON” I had held you on those long nights when you were sick. rubbed your back when you threw up. celebrated your steps. and was frustraited when I couldn’t find you when you giggled. You know you Loved to hide from me. LOL. I miss you. I miss your smile. But we celebrate today. even though it was a short life. It was a life that has taught me A LOT!


You have taught me to live my life every day as it was the last. to make sure that even when your siblings DRIVE me up a wall…. that I tell them I love them and I stop for my night night kisses. you have taught me to love even those that make it SO HARD TO LOVE THEM!….. okay I am still working on that one. But I am getting there.

I love you my dear boy. sleep well with Christ. we will see you soon


Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    I love you Bug.