While the power is out we play
- Posted on 6th July 2007
- in This-n-that
- by Dragonfly
 Here is the green achers woods blue. It is so pretty. Got all the walls done while we were trying to waite for the power to come on. It didn’t happen till LATE. somewere around 0100. *G* I was sleeping by than and the lights blinded me. *G* Opps. than the phone call came… is your power on. mmmmm. YEAH I think… *G*
So today I will be finnishing the molding. I am headed out now.because I need to get the room back together before the baby boys shots at 1200 and than swimming at 1300. I hope it will make his leg feel better. *grins*…. K I am off. talk to you all latter… I will leave you with the site we came out to after painting with no electricity….
Pup didnt know were to go… and the kids just couldnt stay awake any more. it is boring without any back ground noises to pay attention too…. more pictures to come. =)