- Posted on 12th March 2007
- in This-n-that
- by Dragonfly
we interrupt this puppy segmant for pictures of something WONDERFULL! Our daughter took pictures of something that was going on in our house a few weeks ago and I keep meaning to share it. so here we are. she picked her favorites. I See you!
 what was that again Measure once cut twice….? NOPE He measures A LOT than he cuts.
and sometimes this happens (She told him to make a funny face)
yet more times than not he he worked hard and was all smiles.
 he was so nice and even kept the kids in dmiles. thank you for everything. We pass your name and site on as much as we can.
the last piece on the ceiling,
 and there we are. after this he came back for the grout work and than the ceilant. we enjoyed him being here. we look forward to him doing more int he house. here is his site. Go and check it out.
Yes, I saw his work he did a fabulous job. Maybe someday sigh ….I will get a marble tub too.
Yes, I saw his work sigh…..maybe someday I will get my dream tub!