Big City and planes

Check the hubby page and you will know more of what is going on. Here is for the fun. When we got home we were attacked. The kids were on the porch in no time… MOMMIE,MOMMIE,DADDIE,DADDIE, Did I miss them? Hell yes. Did I feel guilty that I was in a hotel… ALONE…. with my hubby… getting…………. well you know….. HECK NO I DIDN’T!

We gave hugs all around The kids HAD to see Daddies new scar… like his ONLY ONE. And than our sweet girl turned to a puddle of mush… I didn’t WANT Daddie to have that…. BooHooHoo.. it was so sad. Daddie sat with her and loved her and told her he was okay. She had 3 meltdowns before I plunked her into bed and asked her to “Sleep it off”.

I hate to fly… I normally cry the WHOLE WAY. Hubby told me that he needed to me to look around and try to enjoy it. I was going to have to do it more. So I needed to get used to it. So here is what I did…. and he didn’t catch on till we were home and I told him. * G * should have kept that to myself I think…. Oh well it was fun to see his face about it…..With tears streaming down my face as the plane went into the air… Hubby was telling me this or this. And I was telling him… hey… take pictures babe… and I gave him the camera… after that… any time he looked at me… I would open my eyes. And I had my hand on his arm so that I could feel him turn…. tricky huh? So here he thought I was looking and enjoying it all with a petrified look of terror on my face. And really I was still closing them baby’s and praying that the plane wouldn’t fall apart and I would die… than everyone would have to eat my ass while they were waiting to be rescued. Although… My ass would have fed the whole plan at least once. So he was in his own world thinking I was getting better. And really I did. Although I still HATE to fly. Even if I am safer there than on the ground in a car. I will take my chances with the car.

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