Last day in therapy!?!

Although this is a good thing it is also a very sad thing. She is in love with the people that have been part of her life for 5 years. It is hard to say goodbye, But it is exciting too. She started Soccer this week and I have been telling her that now she gets to do that instead. So here is what we get asked,

Mom when I get done with Soccer can I come back…..?

No baby I thought you wnated to play T-Ball…..

Well I do… but…..

You can come visit them when I bring brother in…K?

Okay… But I don’t wanna go…. *tears*

I have to say that it is a wonderfull thing that it is soooo much fun to work …. that they want to stay there for good… Right? But hard on me when life is changing. Here are a few pictures if it will work form …. Baby girl got a bye bye from everyone and she got to share cupcakes with her friends for her graduation day…..


and little Bro got in on the fun too……


are you as happy as I am that this wasn’t in your front room. *G*

Baby girl I want you to know How proud I am of you. You have come so far in this world in such a short mount of time. Therapy was soemthing that you needed for a very long time and it is nice to see that youa re able to move on. your trunk is so strong now. and your hands can hold things like never before. you have a kick and a punch that if I was a boy… I would watch out for. Youa re a miss bossy pants as they put it. you are able to tell all which persons turn it is and you wait for your with a smile on your face. You aremoving on and I am so proud of you. the swings are at home too. thanks to Daddy! You are learning everyday. I just never though I would be learning as much as you are at the same time. I love you!

Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. Nani says:

    Congratulations, my girl!