OMG it IS in the water

But not just at the Junior High. My #2 boy. only 7 comes home with a love letter with a girls phone number on it yesterday. Than he wouldn’t let go of it ’till I would let him call her. So I really wanted to read the note.

“Okay baby you can call her just as soon as we look at the note and get the number off.” 

“Sure here you go mom.”

So I read the note and tell him……”you gotta girlfriend….You got a girlfriend.’

Than we call … right… and while he is on the phone he gets me back. I have taught him well….

“So my mom sais that you wrote the note because you love me and that you are my girlfriend.”

Me” AS a friend….”

Him….. walks to the bedroom to talk were it is quiet. After 1 hour. yes you read that right …1 HOUR… he comes out to tell me…..

“we came up with our own secret word that means she loves me… that way no one will know…”

BUT did he TELL me the WORD. HELL NO…. little turd.

And Moosie… He eats that much EVERY MORNING!!!!! My food bill has gone down since you have been taking him in the morning. Whew. now to get you to take the rest. *G*

Comments & Responses

4 Responses so far.

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    *Aching from laughing so hard* Can’t say it’s happening to a nicer mommy, really. LOL- there are perks to homeschooling. As for the cable guy you toad, you wouldn’t say that if you had seen him. Please this is my daughter we are talking about, she has more taste then that. She’s a Motley fan and likes long haired rocker boys….oh I’m so in for it….

  2. Lessa says:

    *points. LAUGHS* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THat’ll teach you to laugh at me you wench! *SMIRK*

  3. nana moosie says:

    number TWO boy???? I first read it thinking you wrote number ONE boy and then you mentioned the breakfasts and

    that is ENTIRELY too young. ;-))

    better thee than me.

  4. nana moosie says:

    oh and the secret word? prolly something like boogerbrains or some such.