Meanwhile at the farm

We are always finding new ways to entertain the children… Okay not really… they are always finding ways to make us laugh. I asked I~Fly to go out and pick the potatoes as the Chickens are not willing to stay out of them. Who can blame those chickens really? POTATOES ARE GOOD! When I walked onto the back porch to check on him I was met with this wonderful view.

I have to admit, at first I was taken aback by the fact that he was burying himself. I thought maybe he was lacking a mineral or two and thought he might get it while he was chest deep in dirt. So I decided it is always best to ask what it is they are doing…. (might rethink that one)…. and he said…

” I just felt like digging. than thought why not get in the hole and fill it up.” There we have it folks. From the mouth of a genius. He just WANTED TO!  I can tell you this. My bathtub didn’t “want him too” My sore back from Cleaning Didn’t “Want him too” BUT………………..

I do believe that without these things my kids wouldn’t grow . Both spiritually and emotionally. think about it… he learned a lot from this.

when burying yourself:

  1. Don’t where your good school clothes
  2. Don’t tromp through the house with mud falling
  3. Don’t clean yourself in the NEWLY cleaned bathtub and leave it for mom to clean again.
  4. Don’t leave your tools out to rust over night
  5. Don’t forget to do what your were supposed to in the beginning!

Here are the things he learned TO DO:

  1. Do change your clothes when you get home from school because you NEVER KNOW when you might want to dig a hole.
  2. Do hose off your body BEFORE you come into the house or have a sibling help knock all the dirt off of you.
  3. Do clean the tub again. it really will make her smile.
  4. Do put your tools (dad’s tools) away when you are finished. they will thank you.
  5. Do your CHORES! Mom loves it when you do that….

What did Momma Fly learn:

  • That Maybe he needs the extra pressure on his body. His sister had some BIG sensory issues. maybe he does too.
  • That leaning back and letting him do this cost me nothing. (okay having to clean again but that is what siblings are for) 🙂
  • He smiled and he learned a lot of cool things. about the clay in our ground to  cleaning your tools when finished.

I do wonder though… if this is why the kids get so tall in the Summer time. Lots of sunlight, we water and feed them and they grow.

D~Fly out


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