
So my momma and my Daddy come over and the kids are watching Wonder Woman. Yes you read that right. they got them for Christmas from Santa. the first and the second series… PawPaw was standing there and #2 boy and the girl were sitting on the floor. I say “come and look at what the kids made today….”

“What are they?” They asked…

“Kids come tell Nana and Pawpaw what you made.”

About than #3 boy in dead run screams “PAWPAW!”

apparently all the time we were talking and the fact that they had walked in the door had gone right over His little head.

Which makes me just laugh. Than he comes over after a few min. “Oweee   Oweee….”  Just  so that he can snap Pawpaw’s suspenders. it was just the cutest thing.

How in the world did I get so lucky?

DragonFly out.

Comments & Responses

One Response so far.

  1. Lessa says:

    And here I thought that the giggling was because of lil #3’s impression of Wonder Woman!

    “wonnawom! *lilbabydrunkenspinspinspin*”
